November PyraMaze Devlog! New Map!

PyraMaze's initial scope had 6   maps and  was supposed to be finished  in about two months. That did not happen. We launched PyraMaze with the intro level and a sneak peek at the hub level. It is hard to work on something you are passionate about and still be disciplined enough to keep the scope manageable. I tried really hard to keep the scope in check. But I kept giving in to temptation   and tried to make that intro level interesting and dense with detail, not just a barren block-zone with nothing but placeholder assets. 

With this release (5.2) I  followed a similar approach. I tried to deliver some basic gameplay and  build a  nice looking map to go along with it.  This map still has some issues. It is the first time I worked with multiple camera angles and cinematics.  But it is still an exciting update and I hope you enjoy it. Don't get to o frustrated if you cannot finish it. It is super buggy and  I didn't build a proper ending to this level . 

My plans for this map include: 

- Make the  mazes a little roomier, especially  in the second  half. 

- Nail down the audio. Add  ambient  audio to both sections. (Jungle sounds & cave sounds)

- Fix the cinematics

- Add collectables and make Warp have better dialog. 

Please enjoy the  'Fireball' level

Files 78 MB
Nov 24, 2020

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